10 Suggestions For Dealing With Your Child's Obesity In A Positive Way

Has your child ever come home in tears because someone made fun of her weight? Are you concerned because you know your child is overweight or obese, and at risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and other weight-related conditions? If so, you can deal with the problem in a way that protects your child’s self-esteem while motivating him/her to make healthy lifestyle changes.

Here are some suggestions:

1. Do not permit your family members or friends to comment on your child’s weight in front of them, or to call them names like Porky, Fatty, etc. If necessary, take the person aside in private and explain that name calling or commenting on someone’s weight does not motivate them to change, it just makes them feel worse.

2. If your child is upset because someone made fun of him or treated him badly due to his weight, explain that people often don’t realize how hurtful their comments can be. They also may have low self-esteem themselves, and only feel better by making fun of someone else.

3. Tell your child how special he is and how proud you are of him. Mention specific positive qualities that your child has, such as intelligence, great sense of humor, compassion for others, creativity, etc. Tell him that you love him and will be proud of him whether he weighs 50 pounds or 500 pounds.

4. Tell your child that you are concerned about her health, because certain health problems are tied to poor eating habits and lack of exercise. Ask if she would like your assistance in improving her health, since all family members would benefit from healthier habits.

Next suggestions here http://www.articlebeach.com/index.php?page=article&article_id=73235

Fat Burners, Diet Pills, and Carb Blockers – What’s the difference?

All of these fat loss supplements are designed to help you lose weight, but there are some notable distinctions between these different types of supplements. It’s important to know and understand the effects of the ingredients that go into each supplement. Before you chose to put a diet pill into your mouth find out what the diet pill companies are putting into their products. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the differences between each of these supplements and explore the ingredients that make them different.

Fat Burners – A fat burner is generally a supplement that is designed to promote fat loss by either increasing your energy, stimulating your metabolism, or suppressing your appetite. These products are often sold in liquid or pill form. A fat burner is a common term used to identify all types of diet pills.

Main ingredient: Proprietary Thermogenic Blend, Thiamin, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid
Other ingredient: Guggulsterone, Caffeine, Diethylcarbonate
Popular Pill: Hot Rox, Fahrenheit

Diet Pills – Most weight loss supplements are lumped into this category. Pills that are sold as ‘diet pills’ are often Fat Burners, Appetite Suppressants, Thermogenics, etc. These pills work in much the same way as fat burners. It is important to note that Prescription diet pills may also fall under the category of Diet Pills. We won’t go into detail about prescription diet pills in this article, as they often contain many ingredients that are proprietary to the individual prescription drug company.

Slimming Pills – An alternative name for Fat Burner or Diet Pill.

Fat Loss Supplements – These supplements should be considered as any type of supplement that helps promote fat loss. Fat Loss Supplements include everything from Diet Pills to Thermogenics.

Fat Blockers – The FDA recently approved the over the counter sale of a new drug that reportedly blocks fat. The drug, Xenical (Orlistat) is a prescription diet pill that works by blocking the production of fat-digesting enzymes, so nearly one third of the fat that someone eats will be digested and the other two thirds will be excreted.

For more details visit : www.diet-pill-review.com